RENTORR: Facebook For Expats And Landlords

The communication between a landlord and the tenants of a property is not always smooth, especially if you are an expat going to live in another country temporarily. You could be an exchange student going abroad to study for one semester, or a recent graduate doing an internship abroad.

Whatever the case, finding accommodation is one of the trickiest parts because you are not familiar with the environment.

Just imagine the exhausting process of finding a new place or finding a flatmate without knowing where you will end up. Or, do you remember how long you chased your landlord to fix the leak in the faucet pipe? What if there was a platform that can resolve these conflicts in one place? In fact, there is! It is time we introduce the South African start-up Rentorr.


Rentorr is a platform founded in 2016 to bring together landlords and tenants for more efficient property management. It has many features such as finding potential landlords/tenants, collecting and tracking the rental payments, submitting/browsing management requests, and providing instant communication.

Let us take a look at the benefits of Rentorr.


Finding a new place doesn’t have to be stressful. With Rentorr, you can view and compare places in great detail. Just as landlords can view tenants, tenants can also look at landlord profiles and read the reviews written by the former tenants. You can apply for an apartment that you like and schedule a viewing with one click.

With the automated rent payment option, you don’t have to worry about withdrawing money or making transactions every month. A major advantage of this system is that automatic and continuous rent payment earns you more points and increases your credibility as a tenant.

The maintenance request form on Rentorr is a quick way to reach out to your landlord in case of an emergency or when maintenance is needed. You can also track the status of the request or whether it has been viewed by the landlord or not. The platform also facilitates communication with professionals such as plumbers, electricians, and carpenters for maintenance.

The company is preparing to launch new features to improve the communication needed for successful property management. Rentorr will be available across all the provinces in South Africa, starting from the major cities like Cape Town and Johannesburg.


Property management is much easier with Rentorr, so you don’t have to keep piles of documents in your office. Rentorr’s storage capacity is large enough for you to contain payment receipts, contracts, deposit receipts, and more.

When it comes to screening potential tenants, Rentorr simply implements the idea of websites such as Airbnb. It enables you to see the tenant profiles in great detail. A tenant profile contains information such as the tenant’s occupation, marital status, and financial capability. Also, a tenant can be reviewed by former flatmates and landlords. So, you can make a more informed decision as to whether the tenant is reliable or not.

If you are tired of running after your tenants for monthly payments, you have come to the right place. Rentorr has an automated rent collection that deducts the rent amount from the tenants’ bank accounts and transfers them to the landlord’s account automatically. This eliminates the necessity of the constant tracking of the payments.

Rentorr is also helpful in promoting and advertising your property. Its smart interface helps you to track the number of views and the popularity of the place. Seeing the current demand and comparing your property to the other profiles, you can adjust your profile accordingly and reach out to the most suitable tenants.

Early sign-ups are accepted before the platform switches to an invite-only system. Requesting access to the website will take only a few minutes, and you will be able to benefit what Rentorr has to offer. For more information, visit

The good news for expats is, you don’t have to be a South African citizen or permanent resident to sign up. So, you can use Rentorr to find the most suitable place for your needs.

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